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Lux Åland B2009

19 - 21 januari 2024

Welcome to Lux Åland B2009. An invitational tournament aimed at boys 2009 teams playing at a difficult or extra difficult level. The tournament is played in the fantastic Eckeröhallen on Åland.

All teams are guaranteed 5-6 games
The playing time is 1 x 35 min
3 referee system in all games
The surface is artificial grass
All teams book accommodation through Luxcuper and stay in hotels.
The hero of the game is named in each game

Lagen bor på Eckerö Hotell (2395kr/person) bara några hundra meter från arenan eller i Mariehamn (2250kr/person) som ligger 30km från arenan. Frukost och middag serveras på boendet. Lunch serveras i arenan för de som bor i Mariehamn. For more information about prices, accommodation and more click here!

Livesändningar oktober 9an